
…Rosengardzentret Kiosk Image Rosengardzentret Kiosk Shopsuche Rosengardzentret Kiosk Info Rosengardzentret Wegführung Web-Integration Rosengardzentret Wegführung Web-Integration Rosengardzentret Wegführung Mobile Applikation Live-Demo KIOSK MOBILE WEB Produkte easyGuide Kiosk easyGuide Mobile easyGuide Web

Rotmain-Center Bayreuth

…offering easyGuide kiosk, easyGuide mobile and easyGuide web solutions to help visitors find their desired store. easyGuide kiosk ‘retail’: Demo easyGuide mobile: Demo [mobile simulator] easyGuide web: Demo [customer website]…

Hallen am Borsigturm

…space. The easyGuide kiosk, mobile and web products are used for visitors of the shopping center. easyGuide kiosk ‘retail’: Demo easyGuide mobile: Demo [mobile simulator] easyGuide web: Demo [customer website]…

Kaufpark Eiche

…mobile application, which shows users their current location within the building and allows them to search for a desired destination. easyGuide mobile: Demo [mobile simulator] easyGuide web: Demo [customer website]…

Klinikum Itzehoe Vorschaubild
Klinikum Itzehoe

…Demo easyGuide web: Demo easyGuide web: Demo   “The satisfaction towards the wayfinding system is great. It is also positive to note that the service on their part is fast…

Allee Center Remscheid
Allee-Center Remscheid

…easyGuide Kiosk ScreenSaver easyGuide Kiosk Kategorien easyGuide Kiosk Unterkategorie Angebote easyGuide Kiosk Karte mit Ad Banner easyGuide Kiosk Wegführung Live-Demo KIOSK MOBILE WEB Products easyGuide Kiosk easyGuide Mobile easyGuide Web

Leo-Center Leonberg

…navigated to their desired destination using the wayfinding systems from 3d-berlin. The products Kiosk, Web and Mobile are used here. easyGuide kiosk ‘retail’: Demo easyGuide mobile: Demo easyGuide web: Demo…

Breuninger Stuttgart

…were: Kiosk, Mobile and Web, in addition, the in-store navigation as “Maps engine” was also integrated into the “Breuninger App”. easyGuide kiosk ‘business’: Demo easyGuide mobile: Demo easyGuide web: Demo…

Rhein-Neckar-Zentrum Viernheim

The Rhein-Neckar-Zentrum in Viernheim, Hesse, is a shopping center built in 1972 with around 60,000 m² of retail space. The easyGuide kiosk ‘retail’, easyGuide mobile and easyGuide web products have…

Vitos Waldkrankenhaus Köppern

…to their desired destination using 3d-berlin’s wayfinding systems. Our products easyGuide kiosk, easyGuide web and easyGuide mobile are used here. easyGuide kiosk ‘business’: Demo easyGuide mobile: Demo easyGuide web: Demo…