easyMaps is our powerful compact solution at an attractive entry price. The application provides quick information and orientation in small to medium-sized buildings. Using their own mobile phone or at the digital information point on site, visitors can determine their current location and find their way to the desired destination. The targeted placement of QR codes provides additional access to the information and guidance system of your building complex.
Via voice or keyboard input, the desired destination is highlighted on the interactive map together with the current location.
- Unique Selling Point
- Return on Investment
Logo and name of the building are placed clearly visible.
Text contents are saved in Unicode format (UTF-8). Thus, not only special characters are no problem, but also characters of non-Latin languages such as Chinese. In addition to right-to-left writing, the writing direction from right to left can also be used, as it is used in the Arabic script, for example. German and English as well as another language – which is provided by the customer – are included in the scope of delivery.
The map display is limited to simple lines and areas: Many years of experience in cartography have gone into the design. A descriptive building overview shows all floors at a glance for quick orientation.
The interactive map offers not only the usual gestures for zoom & pan but also a comfortable control element. The map is georeferenced and created to scale based on CAD drawings, making it ready for indoor positioning navigation (IPS-ready).
Buttons for quick destination selection can be displayed on the home page. This allows users to get directions to the most frequently searched destinations with a single touch. Typical examples for quick destination selection are infodesks, restrooms, elevators and ATMs.
An intelligent search menu helps the user to quickly find the right target for his interest.
The user searches for targets either by means of categories (e.g. Target > Departments > Marketing) or directly by entering text.
Mr. Mayer, Maier or Meyer? The search algorithm lists the best hits first and, thanks to error tolerance (fuzzy search), also finds entries with misspellings and spelling mistakes. This is especially helpful on mobile devices where mistyping can easily happen.
Kiosk: Typing is impossible with the intelligent keyboard: On touchscreen devices, keys on the on-screen keyboard that do not lead to a hit are hidden.
If the user is already roughly familiar with the building, it is often sufficient to locate the target so that he can find his way to his destination. Therefore, after selecting the target via the search menu, the target is first focused on the map, marked with a target marker and the corresponding room is highlighted.
By scanning a QR code in close proximity to their location, the position is saved. The location is focused on the map and highlighted with a ‘You-are-here’ marker.
A simple standard design is included.
Ein einfaches Standarddesign ist im Lieferumfang inklusive.

- Unique Selling Point
The customized sign design allows to incorporate the corporate identity.